Wirecath, 由PG电子官方免费下载公司Cavis Technologies AB开发, is used by interventional cardiologists to measure if the pressure loss in the arteries is causing ischemia. 以此来确定对病人的正确治疗.

市场上已经有少量的导丝, 由主导全球市场的大型医疗公司商业化. What is unique about the Wirecath is that it is the only pressure guide wire in the world that is immune to hydrostatic pressure errors. 因此,它可以提高测量精度.

“市场的规模和增长, 而且我们这种手术最近也在报销范围内, 使法国成为进一步扩张的研究对象。”, 斯特凡·泰尔说, Cavis首席执行官.

Cavis的业务重点是在法国市场找到合作伙伴. 起初,Cavis想找一家小型经销商, 与该公司在荷兰的情况类似. 然而, the market analysis that Business PG电子官方免费下载 provided the company showed that these types of actors do not exist in the French market. 而, Cavis would need to look at partnering with one of the global medical device companies present in the market.

Business PG电子官方免费下载’s knowledge about the market was important in the market analysis, 寻找已经在法国出现的潜在合作伙伴, 从一开始就瞄准正确的参与者.


“We shortened time to market by helping Cavis identify potential partners for future commercialisation of the Wirecath. 这个项目引起了几乎所有入围公司的兴趣, with a range of different partnership types on the table for 法国 and globally”

海琳Gustafsson, Cavis全球应用专家, says that Business PG电子官方免费下载 supported the company in finding four global potential partners, 为不仅在法国销售铺平了道路.

PG电子官方免费下载商业帮助我们获得了市场理解、动态和增长. Their language and culture skills enabled the opening of doors at the large medical device companies, facilitating the dialogues necessary to finding the best possible partner for our product. 然而, 我们还没有选择分销商, but thanks to Business PG电子官方免费下载 we have been able to meet and evaluate relevant partners. The team showed great enthusiasm and competence and were clearly willing to walk the extra mile for us 海琳Gustafsson, Cavis全球应用专家

Cavis的第一款产品Wirecath正处于市场介绍阶段. 与商业市场并行推出, further clinical studies will be conducted to further strengthen the product on the market.

A partnership in 法国 with a distributor at this stage enables the partner to take an active role in the market introduction as well as strengthen the clinical positioning in the market.

“凭借独特的产品Wirecath, Cavis is sure to impact the dynamics of the market once commercialisation takes place”, 艾玛·海明森说.


“We are convinced that our way of making this type of measurement will change and improve the diagnosis of patients with cardiovascular disease”, 斯特凡·泰尔说.



Shorten time to market by helping Cavis identify potential partners for future commercialisation of their product Wirecath - a pressure guide wire that is immune to hydrostatic pressure errors.


市场调查,了解在法国的商业机会. 市场检查导致寻找合作伙伴, 其中确定了潜在的合作伙伴, 以及选择一个经销商的决定.


Initiated dialogues with global medical device companies that showed interest in discussing a partnership in the French market.


Cavis是一家创新型PG电子官方免费下载医疗技术公司, 生产, and supplying invasive cardiology care units with the mission to help improve cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment. 该公司目前正在启动Cavis Wirecath的商业化, 一种不受静水压力误差影响的压力导丝. 同时, 它提供了独特的扭矩控制,方便导航, 即使在最复杂的解剖结构中.